Semester Assignment
San Jose State University (SJSU)
LIBR 265(10) Wrenn-Estes /
Fall Semester / December 14th, 2011
Bret Fearrien

Concept -- An Artistic Space for Careful Examination of YA Books and Resources --

Site Equation = [Canvass + Neoteric + Codex] = [Discussion + Modern + Books]

Mantra ="Hark! The Herald Archives Sing! Glory to Some Bounded Bling!"

Personal Likeability Ratings:
McAwesome = Excellent
Above Board = Good
So/So = Fair
Weak Sauce = Poor

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

(#48) / InfoTrac Student Edition / (produced) by Gale Cengage Learning / (Database)


Bibliographic Information:
InfoTrac Student Edition / 
(produced) by Gale Cengage Learning
(Access through Humboldt County Library)
Cost Unknown – Contact the company directly

Body of Content

Summary: This is a high-level database resource for high-school students.  The formats are wide – allowing students to search within magazines, newspapers, standard reference books, along with more recent formats like podcasts.  The content is also diverse – helping students find resources throughout the majority of their coursework subjects– containing information on arts, science, history, sports, popular culture, etc.  The Student Edition searches a total number of nearly 16 million articles as part of its search matrix.  With the articles hailing from the years between 1980 and 2011, the database represents a good source of current information.  The database is very flexible for users – as the site contains a language toggle button to over 30 languages that are possible for information retrieval.  The site contains a simple design – with a homepage where the user does not need to scroll to perceive all options available to them (Gale, 2011).      

Critique: The search methodology is more professional than the Junior Edition.  And as such, the Student Edition contains more options – showing a more academic approach to research.  The site does contain a “basic search”.  But more interesting, the site contains an “advanced search” option presenting an excellent variety of retrieval options for the user.  For instance, the advanced methodology allows for searches according to keyword, abstract, full document, title of document, publication language, etc. – and contains further helps such as publication date and word count – all of which provide the user the option of creating a Boolean, word-string search with keywords –or a Boolean, organizational-string search with structural data.  The user’s previous research and content knowledge of their topic could certainly help them with so many options.  At the very least, it does not handicap the users – but allows them to search how they best see fit.      

Further search limits include searching only peer-reviewed publications, only full-text documents, and more interestingly, only documents with images.  As a modern database, Student Edition allows for faceted search results – which can receive further specificity and limitations post-search. Overall, this database presents a very clear, clean, and searchable database that any high school student could employ in their research projects.

Teaser: The convenience of Google – plus the expertise of a cache of database resources. 

Information about the Author: See entry #47.

Supplemental Material

Genre: Reference

Curriculum Ties: Library – information retrieval, electronic databases

Booktalking Ideas: 1) Did you know that you can search within different format categories?

Reading Level: The database is intended for use in high-school settings – for ages (15-18). 

Challenge Issues and Defense: Given the educational format and the types of articles as academic in nature, a lack of challenges is expected.

Personal Reasons for Inclusion: I wanted to include a few databases – unfortunately, the local library did not have much of a selection, though this database seems of high quality.   

Last Thoughts

Gale. (2011) InfoTrac Student Edition (Homepage) [Database]. Retrieved from

Listening to (Music):
Artist – Phil Wickham/ Album – “Heaven and Earth”  

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